Now what was I saying?
Yes, my first blog. I feel like a lot of blogs today sound exactly the same. Personal blogs that is. Personal blogs that I actually read. Which isn't very many, so I'm not really basing that on anything, other than the fact that I'm usually always right.
I shit you not, its almost a problem. My boyfriend hates it. Ha, do you blame him? Its like a hidden talent I have, I'm just always right. And in terms of test taking and opinions I'm usually wrong- but if were talking door A or door b, I always pick the better door. Except if I actually had to pick a door on a game show, I'm sure in that case I'd pick the one with nothing behind it. But you know what I'm saying.
Anyway- there I go getting all distracted again. I guess I'm starting this blog because I love to write. I don't really expect anyone to read it, because quite frankly I can't promise it will be all that interesting. I guess I'm looking to get things off my chest. Its been a tough year and perhaps other could benifit from any insight I may have gained during that year. I suppose I could start at the beginning.
I'm a relatively recent Penn State graduate (We are!) and I'm living in the DC area. I grew up in a teeny town in New York and I miss it terribly. Well, I don't miss the town, there really wasn't anything there (still isn't anything there) but I miss my family and that comfort. I've been way out of my comfort zone ever since graduating, and while I've adapted quite well, sometimes I long for the comfort of just being "home." You know what it feels like to be home, its the best feeling in the world. And my home is the best home in the world. I grew up there, my entire life in one house. Everything I know for sure, I know in that house.

Coby and Herbie, an integral part of being "home"
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