Woo hoo! It's almost Thanksgiving! Just a few more days at work and then its all the turkey and mashed potatoes I can cram in my happy little face!
Those who know me, know of my love for turkey and mashed potatoes. Gravy and corn complete the equation very nicely.
I'm hosting my first Thanksgiving this year which should be interesting. Last year was our first without Mom and we went out to my Aunt and Uncle's place and it was fine- but it wasn't my mother's Thanksgiving. My mom loved to play hostess. She could coordinate a turkey dinner for 10 people without setting one timer or burning one dinner roll. Well, I think there may have been a dinner roll or two sacrificed to the turkey gods over the years, but the point is- she was great at orchestrating a huge dinner.
I somehow had the foresight to watch her for 21 years (well, I probably only watched for about 15 of those 21), but I watched enough to learn exactly what she did. And now its time for me to try it on my own. I did a trial run for my boyfriend over the weekend and all went well. We had the turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, gravy, etc. I didn't prepare all the sides because that would have been a little crazy, but I got the hang of it.
Those who know me, know of my love for turkey and mashed potatoes. Gravy and corn complete the equation very nicely.
I'm hosting my first Thanksgiving this year which should be interesting. Last year was our first without Mom and we went out to my Aunt and Uncle's place and it was fine- but it wasn't my mother's Thanksgiving. My mom loved to play hostess. She could coordinate a turkey dinner for 10 people without setting one timer or burning one dinner roll. Well, I think there may have been a dinner roll or two sacrificed to the turkey gods over the years, but the point is- she was great at orchestrating a huge dinner.
I somehow had the foresight to watch her for 21 years (well, I probably only watched for about 15 of those 21), but I watched enough to learn exactly what she did. And now its time for me to try it on my own. I did a trial run for my boyfriend over the weekend and all went well. We had the turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, gravy, etc. I didn't prepare all the sides because that would have been a little crazy, but I got the hang of it.
My Dad will be coming down from New York (with Herbie!) and then my Aunt and Uncle who live nearby will be coming as well. I'm very excited. I hope I can live up to my mom :)
I've gone a little nuts getting table decorations and festive things to make my apartment a little more comfy-cozy. I was actually in the checkout line buying some table linens a few days ago and this lovely older woman behind me started to chat with me about the holiday. I told her it was my first time hosting and she said "Oh your mother must be so proud!"
Deep breath.
"Yes, I'm pretty sure she is," I said with a smile.
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