Saturday, March 1, 2008

I've lived to tell about it...

I finally had it done! My wisdom teeth finally came out today after last week's postponement.

Needless to say, I was extremely nervous but my best girl pals gave me pep talks and lots of encouragement to assure me I would infact survive. The doctor was wonderful and made me feel very comfortable. He was funny- but not in that corny doctor way. It all happened pretty quickly- he explained everything to me for about 10 minutes, then they took me into a different room and took off my glasses (which was a blessing b/c I was then unable to see what was going on- you know, all the huge pliers and giant needles there were about to use in my mouth).

They then put the oxygen on my nose and very gently inserted the IV sedation. Clearly I'm a lightweight having never been a drug user, and the meds hit me pretty quick. I told all the doctors over and over how funny it was that since today was Feb 29, leap year, next year I wouldn't have a anniversary of my wisdom teeth extraction (because at this point in the sedation I was pretty certain i would be celebrating this joyful occasion... yea.) After that I was out like a light. When I woke up it was all over. Apparently I then proceeded to thank all the doctors and nurses profusely for being "so nice." Ha, very typical of me.

I'm all home now and have been all day. Also in a lovely amount of pain. My swelling is pretty minimal at this point, although my post-op instructions say the 3rd day is the worst for the pain and swelling.

So that's all the news about the wisdom teeth. I'm just glad to have it all over and done with and now hopefully all my teeth and sinus problems will be alleviated. I also want to get those clear Invisiline things to straighten my teeth, but that's a story for another day. Time to zonk out on my pain meds.

Thanks so much for everyone's encouragement and for refraining from telling me their horror stories until after mine op was all over :)

That cute little picture is from Goodbye Wisodom Teeth!

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