Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers and Thunderstorms

Yesterday I ran into Giant to pick up a few groceries for dinner. I made it just in time as the big black storm clouds were just rolling in across the sky. As I shopped I could hear the thunder and teeming rain. During my stroll through the store I had to stop by the flower department. It was the happiest and most vibrant grocery store flower department I have ever seen. I have to imagine that no matter how sad you are, just walking through there would lift your spirits. It was so colorful and alive! The picture doesn't really do it justice, but take my word for it, it was colorful and bright and there were balloons and everything. I was in awe.

I managed to prolong my shopping trip long enough to outlast the rain. The parking lot was filled with water and jumping through puddles in my heels was no easy feat. I can't complain though, I love big thunderstorms like that. Northern Virginia is good for their t-storms in the spring and summer. We had a ton last year, I loved it. I do love sunshine, but a good deep rumbling thunderstorm and pouring rain (when you don't have outdoor plans of course) is hard to beat.

Thursday, April 16, 2009