My birthday is December 21st. Here is what I know to be true of this day.
- It is the Winter Equinox. Meaning, it is the shortest day of the year, in terms of sunshine.
- It is the last day of the Sagittarius horoscope. Sometimes, it is considered Scorpio and that really throws me for a loop. I consider myself a Sag no matter what "they" say.
- It is annoyingly close to Christmas. So much so, that after the age of 16 I stopped having Birthday parties. Once I got to college, everyone was gone back home for the holidays. No birthday recognition. Even in grade school, most years we were off on the 21st for Winter Break. Now that I'm all grown up, everyone still goes "home" for the holidays and I am left birthday-less. Every year I think I'm going to be surprised and get a party, and every year I am left with no Birthday celebration. I used to consider celebrating in the summer just so I could have a party.
- And yes, just like most other December babies, we are stuck with the Happy Birthday/ Merry Christmas presents/cards. I'll remember that when your birthday rolls around. No present/card? Sure, I gave it to you on Christmas when you gave me mine, remember?
- This year, on Dec 21, there are lots of fun movies coming out that I want to see. I'm almost considering taking the day off from work and spending it at the movie theatre. Alvin and the Chipmunks, Charlie Wilson's War and National Treasure 2 all come out on December 21st. I consider it Hollywood's personal birthday present to me. Honestly, its the least they could do considering all my shows are now in reruns until further notice.
- Dec 21, 2007 is a Friday. That's super in and of itself.
- Its the last day of work for most people until after Christmas.
- It will probably be a really bad day to drive out of DC for several reasons:
1. Its a Friday
2. Its a Friday in DC.
3. Its a Friday in DC of a major holiday weekend.
As you can see in the picture, last year I was in Germany for my Birthday. We did in fact celebrate there. Dave made me a special dinner and even got me cake! It was very lovely. One of my favorite birthdays! Ok, that's all I have for now. Thank you for coming to my pity party. Rest assured, I will have a small celebration this year with a few near and dear friends who are so graciously sticking around to celebrate with me. I'm not even going to require presents...merely their presence :)